Saturday, September 12, 2015

Lesson 10: The Computer as a Tutor

It is said that the computer is one of the wonders of human ingenuity. The computer as the tutor, we can clearly see that the computer has many uses. Computers help us to make things easier not only in education but also in business and personal interest. In this lesson, it emphasizes how computers could help the teachers as a tutor, it relieves the teacher of many in his/her personal role as classroom tutor, but it is said that computers can’t totally replace teachers so, here in this lesson there are things which the teacher needs to do. Aside from the teacher’s role in CAI the students also has something to do as a student in CAI, one of it is to understand the instructions for the computer activity.
With this lesson computer as the tutor, I remembered before when I was still studying in TESDA as an ICT student, we had this program and every code that is needed for making a games or enrollment system is located in this program. Instead our teacher will discuss it, he just let us explore it in our own. It was an exciting experience because I was able to learn the codes that I’m going to use on my Tic Tac Toe project than what our instructor told us. I didn’t say that our instructor is incapable of teaching us properly but sometimes we cannot deny the fact that there are things which is best explained by the programs on the computers than the teacher himself. On the other hand the reporters really did a good job! On letting us imagine and dramatize the importance of the softwares and some programs. The activity was fun and I was able to discover that there are some games that really help us as a student. As a future teacher, I reflect that we must make use on the things which is available and we should not rely too much on what our technologies could give us.
As an application, I’ll use various strategies and programs so that the students could use it and they won’t have difficulty in understanding my discussions aside from the programs on the computer, I won’t rely much unto it I need to believe in my own capability to teach and give the best learning for my students in the future.

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