Friday, July 31, 2015

Lesson 6: Developing Basic Digital Skills

This lesson, talks about the skills that we can develop in the Basic Digital Skills these are:
·         Solution Fluency
·         Information Fluency
·         Collaborative Fluency
·         Media Fluency
·         Creativity Fluency
·         Digital Fluency
Through this skills we can be able to help the students and give them the best learning that we could offer. The higher skills was also included in this Lesson. It is said that by developing higher thinking skills, the schools today can inculcate the digital fluencies which is also true. From this lesson, we did a group activity which helps me to understand more the principles of fluency and how does it help us. We stick our explanation on our assigned task and it turned out to be fun and informative. That experience taught me that, as a future teacher we need to develop this fluency and share it to our future students. As a reflection to this lesson, since we are technologically aware now, I must be serious on constructing my lessons with the use of the fluencies being discussed in this lesson. Through this, I could assure that my students would be able to enjoy learning and discover new things.
            I can’t predict what will happen in the future but at least I am prepared of what I will do. As I said in the previous sentences, through learning the fluencies I will try my best to make this possible for my students. Helping them throughout the school year. I’m hoping that our government would provide enough facilities for learning so that they could easily access to the new trends today and for the teachers as an instrument, for them to lessen the load and difficulty on emphasizing what does technology really means.

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