Saturday, July 18, 2015

Lesson 4: Bridging the Generation Gap

The older generation often feels there is a generation gap between them and the younger generation. This lines is true! Just to compare the difference between our generation and the generation before, there’s really a big difference. The way they dress, talk, socialize and the culture really now differs, even education was change. Before, we need to go to postal office to send letters but now just one click then we can already send a letter through email.
            We can’t blame those schools who are left behind, especially when it talks about the use of technology. When schools don’t avail the changes happening, then it is hard for the students to land on a good job, knowing the fact that we are now in the new era. We need teachers that are capable of instructing the students well especially on the use of technology. I had an experience before, when we went to a certain school, it was located in a secluded area. Students were good but they lack access on computer and some other gadgets. Most of the graduates in that school didn’t pursue their studies in college. As they said that it’s hard for them because a lot of things happen in the city. The only way for them to continue their college is to went down and meet the life in the city.
            It’s really hard to know that everyone is developing but there are some who were left behind. The access on technology is really needed especially in this generation. I reflect that I need to be more sensitive enough to those who don’t have any knowledge or to those who don’t have any access on technology. As a daughter, my mom and dad really experience this generation gap, I need to be good enough to teach them so that they won’t find it hard to contact me on phone. In teaching, I need to be patient in teaching my students especially those who find it hard to operate a computer. Maybe by doing this we can lessen the gap and make a difference.
            The only key I guess for us to lessen that gap is to help one another. If we think for others and help them people will learn and influence others. There are some organization which promotes an awareness about technology. They help them to get an access to technology for free. A rapid change is not possible, if we know how to help others and teach them then, that generation gap will vanish.

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