Friday, July 31, 2015

Lesson 6: Developing Basic Digital Skills

This lesson, talks about the skills that we can develop in the Basic Digital Skills these are:
·         Solution Fluency
·         Information Fluency
·         Collaborative Fluency
·         Media Fluency
·         Creativity Fluency
·         Digital Fluency
Through this skills we can be able to help the students and give them the best learning that we could offer. The higher skills was also included in this Lesson. It is said that by developing higher thinking skills, the schools today can inculcate the digital fluencies which is also true. From this lesson, we did a group activity which helps me to understand more the principles of fluency and how does it help us. We stick our explanation on our assigned task and it turned out to be fun and informative. That experience taught me that, as a future teacher we need to develop this fluency and share it to our future students. As a reflection to this lesson, since we are technologically aware now, I must be serious on constructing my lessons with the use of the fluencies being discussed in this lesson. Through this, I could assure that my students would be able to enjoy learning and discover new things.
            I can’t predict what will happen in the future but at least I am prepared of what I will do. As I said in the previous sentences, through learning the fluencies I will try my best to make this possible for my students. Helping them throughout the school year. I’m hoping that our government would provide enough facilities for learning so that they could easily access to the new trends today and for the teachers as an instrument, for them to lessen the load and difficulty on emphasizing what does technology really means.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Technology in Education: A Future Classroom (My Video)

Lesson 5: Preferences of the Technology Generation

What the old generation likes may not be the same as what the new generation prefers in their life, work and leisure. The old generation really differs to our new generation now. As technology stages a change along a global dimension.
In education there is really a big difference. Lesson V differentiate the preferences of the technology generation. Single and multi-track activity patterns - The old generation would prefer to watch tele novelas which takes time. They would really love that single-track patterns of activities, they socialize and do some activities. Compared to our new generation they tend to be exposed on a quick activities, which has a task switching speed. Texts versus visuals – our parents before spend their time reading books and they went to library in order to research but our generation today, has a greater affinity to visuals just because of a one-click technology. Linear versus hyper media- it is said that the old generation, obtained information in a linear, logical and sequential manner. And this made them, logical, focused and reflective thinkers compared to our generation today, follows a personal random access to hyperlinked digital information. This made them appear more easily bored and distracted during class lectures. The independent versus social learners – this states that the traditional education system gives priority to independent learning. The new learners however, are acquainted with digital tools that would help them in searching gets easier. Learning to do versus learning to pass the test – it is said that old teachers teach the students in order to pass the test. While the new learners would simply wanted to acquire skills, knowledge, and habits. Delayed rewards and instant gratification – the traditional reward in education consists in the grades, honor certificates and diplomas. While, digital learners are contented on the feedback they had online. Rote memory versus fun learning – it is said that teachers feel obliged to delivering content-based courses, the learning of which is measurable by standard test. On the other hand, digital learners prefer fun learning.
After reading this lesson, I discover that there are things that we should still adapt on the way how the old generation learn. But we need also to remember that as a teacher he/she must not only stick on what he/she believes in on their generation. When I was in Elementary, we had this student teacher that really believes in old ways of learning even when I was in Highschool our sister always told us to go to library rather than log in a computer laboratory maybe because our sister feared that we will end up logging in Friendster or will just simply play computer games.
As a reflection, we should know how to balance everything, in this lesson where comparison was made between old learners and new learners, we can still apply what the old learners did before. When we just solely rely on digital help we may become so lazy that we don’t have time anymore to be logical in thinking. As an application, I will try my best to teach my students with the proper usage of technology.


Lesson 4: Bridging the Generation Gap

The older generation often feels there is a generation gap between them and the younger generation. This lines is true! Just to compare the difference between our generation and the generation before, there’s really a big difference. The way they dress, talk, socialize and the culture really now differs, even education was change. Before, we need to go to postal office to send letters but now just one click then we can already send a letter through email.
            We can’t blame those schools who are left behind, especially when it talks about the use of technology. When schools don’t avail the changes happening, then it is hard for the students to land on a good job, knowing the fact that we are now in the new era. We need teachers that are capable of instructing the students well especially on the use of technology. I had an experience before, when we went to a certain school, it was located in a secluded area. Students were good but they lack access on computer and some other gadgets. Most of the graduates in that school didn’t pursue their studies in college. As they said that it’s hard for them because a lot of things happen in the city. The only way for them to continue their college is to went down and meet the life in the city.
            It’s really hard to know that everyone is developing but there are some who were left behind. The access on technology is really needed especially in this generation. I reflect that I need to be more sensitive enough to those who don’t have any knowledge or to those who don’t have any access on technology. As a daughter, my mom and dad really experience this generation gap, I need to be good enough to teach them so that they won’t find it hard to contact me on phone. In teaching, I need to be patient in teaching my students especially those who find it hard to operate a computer. Maybe by doing this we can lessen the gap and make a difference.
            The only key I guess for us to lessen that gap is to help one another. If we think for others and help them people will learn and influence others. There are some organization which promotes an awareness about technology. They help them to get an access to technology for free. A rapid change is not possible, if we know how to help others and teach them then, that generation gap will vanish.

Lesson 3: Understanding Technology Learners

Lesson 3 talks about understanding the technology learners. There’s no great teacher without a student being involve. For us to become a great teacher in our own way we need to understand first the student’s attitude.
            Most of the students nowadays spend their time on facebook, playing video games and surfing the internet, yet we don’t understand them well. It is said in this lesson that, there are positive benefits in using this technology one of this is, by using those gadgets being mentioned in the lesson, it will stimulates the brain by strengthening and creating neural circuits. It will create an intellectual revolution. If there’s a positive effects upon dealing on gadgets most of the time then, negative effects also will occur. As the gadgets make life easier, we tend to do multi-tasking. The research shows that multitasking can be detrimental since it prevents concentration and the completion of specific tasks. But multitasking also is needed in the world of information technology.
            Sometimes, I tend to do multitasking in 2 reasons, first is to lighten the boredom on doing a specific task and second to finish my task immediately. By doing multitasking, there’s a time you can’t guarantee that your work would have quality, there are also some time that, you finish the task without impurities. When I was a High School student, I just don’t understand about the essence of multitasking and I find it so abusing, while the teacher was discussing the topic my classmates were busy texting and surfing the net, I know it’s not good! Multitasking must be done at the right time and place. When I went to college that’s the time I realize how important it is (sometimes). From this lesson, I reflect that before I judge my students on how they behave in class about their addiction on facebook or any social media, I need to know first and understand them thoroughly. I can’t just blame them on their addiction but, as a future teacher maybe I can do something. As a student I’ll try to do multitasking at the right time and place. By doing my assignments at the right place and not inside the classroom while the class is going on. As a future teacher, I’ll make sure that my students won’t stress out during my discussion. I need to understand their addiction and relate it in my discussion so that my students won’t have this fear in going to school. In doing those things I won’t tolerate them I’ll have my whole discipline.
            A teacher must be flexible enough, she should be like a mother who knows and judge according to what is right. Who will guide her students and teach them properly. It’s a challenge for us to be like a Psychologist. Knowing our students well will give us a hint on how are we going to deliver our discussions. We just need to be smart enough on what strategies are we going to use to fit in with our technology learners.

Lesson 2:An Overview: Educational Technology 2

This lesson states that, Educational Technology 2 is concerned with Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning that is focused on introducing, reinforcing, supplementing and extending the knowledge and skills to learners so that they can become exemplary users of educational technology. As I understand from this lesson, the Educational Technology 2 is specially made for all professional teachers and student teachers who wanted to learn more about technology. Through this, we can help our students and those who are interested to be acquainted in technology.
            This lesson will show the difference between Educational Technology 1 to Educational Technology 2. Educational Technology 2 would be a deeper study in which there will be a hands-on application of computer skills. This will not solely focus on our computer skills but it is primarily directed at enhancing teaching and learning through technology integration. This aims to help the students and teachers to infuse technology as a part of our teaching.
            The following are the objectives in Educational Technology 2;
·         To provide education in the use of technology in instruction by providing knowledge and skills on technology integration-in-instruction to learners.
·         To impart learning experiences in instructional technology supported instructional planning.
·         To acquaint students on Information Technology
·         To engage learners on practical technology integration issues.
·         To inculcate higher-level thinking and creativity.
My experience on our previous Instructor with Ma’am Sheila, she let us made a radio drama which was one of my best experience and let us use our gmail account to share what’s our expectations on this subject and It really helps a lot because I was able to discover my classmates expectations on the subject. After such activities, I reflect that, as a future English teacher I must be creative enough and use different strategies in teaching my students in the future. Students nowadays gets bored easily and it is our task to think of possible ways on how to maintain a good relationship with the students. One solution is that, I need to include the use of technology in teaching and engage my students in discovering great ideas and new learnings. When I was in Elementary I got a hard time dealing on the use of computer especially on the hands on activities. We had limited computers and sometimes teachers will just rely on visual aids and assume that were typing through the use of a printed or drawn image of a keyboard. Our teacher will always told us to imagine but .. it’s really hard. I easily get bored because of the repetitive use of visual aid, where in fact the subject is all about the use of computers.
We can really see the difference, on how teaching was done before and now. As an application on what I have learn, since I’m still studying, I will try my best to learn new things in this course in preparation for my career in the future. Though at times I get bored easily in some part of discussions, I’ll make sure that I will take this seriously. I have gone too far and all I need is to finish whatever I started. As a teacher someday, I will think of a better ways and strategies to cater my students multiple intelligences. As possible, I will let them experience the real thing about learning. To provide education in the use of technology in instruction, impart learning experiences in instructional technology, to acquaint students on Information Technology, to learn to use and evaluate computer based educational resources, engage the learners and inculcate higher-level thinking and creativity. At least one from this objective, that I will be able to make it possible in dealing with my students in the future.

Learning with the use of visual aid is good but, it is better to use technology as a source of instructional materials. It would be fun and it gets easier when you interact with technology, students won’t get bored and they will have their full attention on the discussion.

We can really see the difference, on how teaching was done before and now. As an application on what I have learn, since I’m still studying, I will try my best to learn new things in this course in preparation for my career in the future. Though at times I get bored easily in some part of discussions, I’ll make sure that I will take this seriously. I have gone too far and all I need is to finish whatever I started. As a teacher someday, I will think of a better ways and strategies to cater my students multiple intelligences. As possible, I will let them experience the real thing about learning. To provide education in the use of technology in instruction, impart learning experiences in instructional technology, to acquaint students on Information Technology, to learn to use and evaluate computer based educational resources, engage the learners and inculcate higher-level thinking and creativity. At least one from this objective, that I will be able to make it possible in dealing with my students in the future.
Learning with the use of visual aid is good but, it is better to use technology as a source of instructional materials. It would be fun and it gets easier when you interact with technology, students won’t get bored and they will have their full attention on the discussion.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Lesson 1: A Review of Educational Technology I

            In Lesson 1 it talks about how the Educational Technology I helps the learner to become aware, appreciative and equipped in the use of Educational Technology tools from traditional to modern education media.
            This lesson taught me about the proper usage of technology and the 4 phases of application of Educational Technology I which are
1. Setting of learning activities
2. Designing specific learning experience
3. Evaluating the effectiveness of the learning experiences vis-à-vis the learning objectives and
4. Revision as needed of the whole teaching-learning process, or elements of it, for further improvement of future instructional activities.
To summarize everything, the lesson contains the following ideas, the Educational Technology I serve to;
a)      To orient the learner in ETI.
b)      To lend familiarization on how ETI can be utilized as media for teaching-learning process.
c)      To uplift human learning through the use of learning technology
d)      To impart skills in planning, designing, using and evaluating.
e)      To acquaint the learners.
f)       To introduce the learner to the third revolution in education, the computer.
From my experience in Educational Technology I, I reflect that technology isn’t about being good in using the computer or other technological tools for teaching but rather it is about sharing and using it in a good way. When we had our film fest before, I was a little bit nervous because we’re not yet familiar with the basic skills in movie editing. At that time I was thinking how should we overcome this dilemma? Until one day, one of my classmate tried to edit our video while letting us see how would it works. I know that our instructor before tried his best to teach us about the basic editing in some aspects, but to know the fact that we can’t remember everything he taught us. So we helped one another until we come up in a good output. Same with my experience in photo editing using the Adobe Photoshop.
            Just to have a throwback in relation to this Lesson about Educational Technology I, it is not only my knowledge and skills that was tested including my patience and my creativity. Learning this subject should be fun and must be done by heart. In the future, I should teach my students on how to use this technology properly. Because I do believe that if the proper teaching was done, then students would benefit from it. They will acquire both skills and attitude towards the usage of Technology. In teaching them, I will try my best not to spoon feed them much. I’ll let them explore, interact, listen and create great ideas. The duty of a teacher is not that easy that’s why it’s a challenge for me to adopt and be flexible enough in any circumstances. I’ll make sure that at the end of the lesson, my students would be able to achieve my objectives.